One thing that is for sure is that certain actions will influence the outcome of your case. Stefanie and I have come up with a list of actions that will have a negative impact on your case.
1. Be really really angry.
2. Seek revenge
3. Feel like a victim
4. Always be right
5. Don't listen to your lawyer and the experts.
6. Don't fill out your paperwork on time or correctly.
7. Always lie to your lawyer.
8. Be abusive - partcularly to your lawyer, their staff, and the Court Staff.
9. Use your kids as a weapon.
10. Act angry and immature in court. See number 12, below.
Bonus activities
11. Don't let your friends have any contact with your Ex.
12. Threaten and be rude to the Judge. Extra points for saying F**k You to the judge in open Court.
13. Never obey court orders, especially restraining orders.
14. Always make sure your threats are in writing.
15. Have a double standard – only the other party has to follow the court orders.
End Note: While these may seem outrageous to you, we see them on a regular basis.
Contact us for more information and we are always ready to hear about new situations.
Contact Us Via Email
Debra Vaniman Crawford
Voice line - 831-372-3900
Text line - 831-275-5291 [831-275-LAW1]